The perennial question: “To what do you attribute your professional success?” 

If you’re anything like me, maybe your answer is luck. Maybe you were just “in the right place at the right time.” Or, if you’re like me, you likely didn’t consider yourself successful to begin with. The irony is that for many professional women, major promotions and job transitions often amplify those inadequacies. 

Believe me, I get it. I know that feeling of failure all too well. My professional narrative for at least a decade was marked by an overarching lack of confidence. Any constructive criticism I received, I interpreted as a divisive strategy to call my professionalism into question. And as much as I felt alone in these perceptions, the good—albeit unfortunate—news is, I’m not.  

Of all the challenges women face in the workplace—-and in a society in which perceived “power”  pressure to achieve are paramount—self-doubt is often the most crippling. Imposter syndrome disproportionally affects  high-performing, executive women—75% of them to be exact. Why wouldn’t it? Gender norms have traditionally dictated that, since childhood boys are encouraged to assume leadership roles, demonstrate self-confidence and exhibit less emotion than girls. Add to the “sugar and spice” stereotype the added pressure of family expectations, domestic gender roles and cultural disparities. And of course, there’s the workplace itself, which oftentimes remains misdirected and plagued with systemic issues. It all contributes to the epidemic of self-imposed doubt.

The good news is that we alone have the ability to change that simply by reframing our thinking. Here are a few quick strategies that helped me on my journey. 

No One is Perfect

As much as we strive to maintain a balanced and well-rounded skill set—perfection is a utopian ideal. Sure, we all wish we could be the best at everything, but acknowledge that unless you are superhuman or a cyborg, this is an unrealistic expectation. By assessing your skills, particularly those at which you’re particularly proficient, and focus on doing them well. You’ll not only substantiate your expertise, but also identify areas for improvement and collaboration. 

Wins are Wins

That email. The presentation flub. The botched project. We micro-analyze every mistake and misstep, yet fail to do the same for our achievements—especially the miniscule ones. Setting small milestones, planning rewards and learning to celebrate these goals once you hit them is a great way to appreciate the fruits of your labor and develop greater confidence. 

Support is Critical

If you’re a former imposter like me, you probably internalize feelings of failure rather than proliferate them. Realize the emotional value in sharing with a trust support network. Supportive executive mentors, performance managers, peers and even our social circles can undoubtedly bolster your personal progress. Both having and building a solid support squad ensures the feedback you’re both giving and receiving is objective and constructive. 

These thoughts may be irrational, but they are 100% normal. And by taking steps to change your perspective and overcome them, you’ll be well on your way to performing as your best self. Take it from a former fraud like me.

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